February, 2011

Feb 11

Ray Tracer: Reflection and Transparency

Next up are transparency and reflection. In keeping with the them: we get these by first adding more information to the Ray Paths and then writing shaders that leverage this new information. Recall that Ray Paths contain information about how a ray from the camera travels through the scene, currently it just records what it hits and how that point is illuminated. To that we’ll be adding a Ray Path for the ray constructed by reflecting the incoming ray over the intersections normal and a Ray Path for if the ray continued going through the object. Here’s the new Ray Path:

data Ray_Path = Ray_Path {hit :: Intersection, 
                          ref :: Ray_Path, 
                          thru :: Ray_Path, 
                          light_hits :: [Light_Castback]}

Now we have the data in the Ray Paths, we need to write some shaders that use them:

shader_lit_red_ref :: Shader
shader_lit_red_ref depth rp 
    | depth > 10 = (0,0,0)
    | otherwise = blend [0.7, 0.3] 
                        [(shader_lit_red depth rp), (shade (depth + 1) (ref rp))]

What this does is blend (a weighted average) the color we would get if we just did a simple diffuse shading with a red color and the color we get from the reflection. Notice that we’ve needed to add a counter for the depth to occur the infinite recursion you’d get if you held 2 mirrors up facing each other. This shader is the same idea but blends both the reflected and the through ray:

glass :: Shader
glass depth rp 
    | depth > 10 = (0,0,0)
    | otherwise = blend [0.2, 0.4, 0.4] 
                        [(shader_lit_grey depth rp), (shade (depth + 1)(ref rp)), (shade (depth + 1) (thru rp))]

And here’s an image of a reflective red plane with a glass sphere (which really doesn’t look much like glass) on it:

A reflective transparent sphere sitting on a reflective plane.